Sunday, August 19, 2007

Wittgenstein's Freight Train

Duration: 00:27 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-14 19:52:39
User: marquisdejolie
:::: Favorites

A video using a bum's synopsis of the complex philosophical theorems of Austrian-English philosopher Ludwig Josef Johann Wittgenstein to explain my hobo ways. My life has been about riding the wind. Do I need to attach a signal kite to my ass for folks to follow that idea?

marquisdejolie ::: Favorites
07-02-15 08:27:56
marquisdejolie ::: Favorites
I'll get back to you on that.
07-02-15 08:28:39
wallyworld ::: Favorites
Comments are gay.
07-02-15 09:30:11
marquisdejolie ::: Favorites
I thought videos were gay and comments were lesbian.
07-02-15 09:56:11
chuckbutt ::: Favorites
Catchy tune. What were the words again?
07-02-15 10:09:13
marquisdejolie ::: Favorites
"My life is about riding the wind. Surely you must see that by now. Do I have to attach a signal kite to my ass?" And that's also me singing botedotedodedoh in the background.
07-02-15 10:13:08
foxalito ::: Favorites
I assume that you allude Ludwig and Karl. I thought it was an oblique reference to his Social Darwinst managerial approach, and maybe a pop at the VA +/- the US administration. I see from the blog that it is related to Wittgenstein and perception, though I could see this looking out of this here 'window' in my front room - but then maybe there's the point...
07-02-15 13:37:14
foxalito ::: Favorites
Really got to work on that proof-reading thing before I send my comments - well slap dash: that was supposed to read 'allude to Ludwig and NOT Karl', and ' couldN'T see this looking out of this here window'... Slack commentary I know...
07-02-15 19:10:57
marquisdejolie ::: Favorites
"Looking out the window and perceiving a drunk as opposed to the reality of a sober man fighting big gusts of wind" (paraphrase) is one of my favorite Wittgensteinisms
07-02-15 19:55:48
marquisdejolie ::: Favorites
---3 replies lost by YouTube---
07-02-15 20:29:16

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