Saturday, August 11, 2007

answers - part 5

Duration: 607 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-08 01:52:02
User: fakesagan
:::: Favorites

stagism dhoffryn katiesopinion fungi81 robshred66 genius2687 Fauble2000

Sabotaged858 ::: Favorites
WOO! Im from new england and I sound like that!
07-08-08 14:23:10
OMA1PSA ::: Favorites
heroin a no no bad mistake, crack fuck that to, waste of money, weed puff a sweet trip and its all good coke i love my nosie so fuck that to. and loads of sex hell yer.i'll die for my family and friends to fuck the goverment and stupied wars.
07-08-08 16:36:07
arbelm1 ::: Favorites
u forgot to punch moses!
07-08-08 16:41:14
GerudoUK ::: Favorites
Why are you growing that retarded beard?
07-08-08 17:01:09
Leatherup ::: Favorites
Second only to " That's not my job."
07-08-08 17:15:16
canadian1102 ::: Favorites
Are you still making retarded videos? Nothing more amusing than a deluded bigot that believes himself to be anything more. Keep up the good work fuckhead.
07-08-08 18:14:38
slsmtg ::: Favorites
07-08-08 18:31:13
likeomgfat ::: Favorites
sounds like you had a massive erection while you typed that.
07-08-09 00:35:41
righto2k ::: Favorites
Oh man, that's quotable value right there 'You can fall in love an ideal but the ideal won't love you back' neat.
07-08-09 01:04:13
clerihew85 ::: Favorites
There are not "billions and billions" of people in New England. There are not even one billion people in the United States.
07-08-09 23:21:50

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