Saturday, August 11, 2007


Duration: 90 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-26 06:23:35
User: TheAmazingAtheist
:::: Favorites

Well, maybe not last ever, but last for at least a year (assuming I'm still doing this shit in a year).

ReallyTallShortGuy ::: Favorites
What is the worst drug you have ever done?
07-06-27 06:09:34
ReallyTallShortGuy ::: Favorites
If there was a god, which god would you rather it be? Please dont give a smartass answer such as "the flying spaghetti monster".
07-06-27 06:11:46
ReallyTallShortGuy ::: Favorites
What is your real name? The name that is on your social security card or the name your parents call you.
07-06-27 06:14:28
ReallyTallShortGuy ::: Favorites
Why is this the last time you will be doing this (at least for a while)? I like these sorts of videos.
07-06-27 06:15:06
Muhaffy ::: Favorites
what websites do you frequent apart from youtube?
07-06-27 06:16:26
Telecaster16 ::: Favorites
What are your thoughts on lucid dreaming (knowing that you're dreaming as you dream)? Would you put forth the effort of training yourself to practice it? Keep in mind that if it does work, then you can spend everynight controlling your dreams and doing whatever your mind can imagine (e.g. nonstop sex with anyone, flying, killing the cast of Full House...)
07-06-27 06:16:56
xnightxamex ::: Favorites
what is your favorite food? what is your favorite movie? what is your favorite book? what is your favorite color? what is your favorite band? what is your favorite song? what is your favorite thing to do besides youtube? what is your least favorite of all the things i have mentioned?
07-06-27 06:19:41
xnightxamex ::: Favorites
do you play any instruments? have you ever questioned your sexuality? how old were you when you got your first girlfriend? how long was your shortest relationship? how often do girls reject you? what sort of girl are you attracted to? have you ever cut yourself? have you ever attempted suicide? have you ever done a major drug?
07-06-27 06:25:33
TheAmazingAtheist ::: Favorites
Thanks for all your questions, everyone. The lines are now CLOSED!
07-06-27 06:25:40
xnightxamex ::: Favorites
07-06-27 06:25:56

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