Saturday, August 11, 2007

Through Blood

Duration: 246 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-04 05:03:01
User: dadada089
:::: Favorites

Just wanted your ffed back on additional effect I could do, Im sorta at a blakc, writers block if you will

dadada089 ::: Favorites
Its not finished, but im drawing a blank, ive seen it so many times that im more used to what will come next rather then what would be cool if it came next. Idea's and thoughts would be cool.thanks
07-07-04 06:10:01
dutchess2010 ::: Favorites
the tags??? lmao the subtitles are a great touch the effects are awesome around 2:55 but between 1:05 and 1:55 maybe there could be more done to it this is really a great video! i might be seeing this vid a different way than you are so i'd hate to give you ideas that might fuck up something.
07-07-04 14:44:15
dadada089 ::: Favorites
I just no it needs more work, but im drawing a blank....maybe im just lazy
07-07-04 18:00:53
deadchakra ::: Favorites
07-07-29 15:08:07
kingalex120 ::: Favorites
this pretty good nice work dadada
07-07-29 15:15:51
dadada089 ::: Favorites
Yea, I loved the lyric's of thise song and thats why I made this vid
07-07-29 16:15:02
Megateen14 ::: Favorites
pretty nice
07-07-30 18:21:08
gara ::: Favorites
what is this video based on or about
07-08-11 01:12:40

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