Sunday, August 12, 2007

The Australian Highway UFO Alien Encounter 2/6

Duration: 583 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-02 15:23:08
User: aceBryan7ox
:::: Favorites

In the beautiful country of Australia an amazing UFO encounter took place. Hear the credible testimony of an abduction encounter and see the extraordinary evidence left behind. This is surely one of the most riveting human encounters with a UFO and the Aliens that were occupying the Hover Ship! 6 parts

carrickknot ::: Favorites
You should check on implants you might be monitored
07-07-03 03:17:54
w69696969h ::: Favorites
Hi, how do I check? I have been abducted a few months ago and I think I might have an implant. I'm a male. Where do I check? Thank you!
07-07-03 15:07:57
carrickknot ::: Favorites
There's a easy way to check on implants. If you lift up the receiver of a phone and you wait for the tune, then go over all your body with the phone and on the spot where the implant is, suddenly you will have a high sound (a kind of Larsen-effect like sound). That's where the implant is. Let me know if it works. Lets get in touch, I have more details. Signed: Bernard de Coen (check me on Google, you'll find my website)
07-07-04 03:25:31

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