Sunday, August 12, 2007

Republican Gov Arnold Schwarzenegger caught on tape

Duration: 36 seconds
Upload Time: 06-09-08 18:49:06
User: TheDailyBackground
:::: Favorites
Description: Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger was recently caught on tape discussing in private how a California State legislator was "hot" (had a fiery personality) because of her ethnicity. "She's very Puerto Rican, or the same thing-- Cuban, I mean they all are very hot" the Governor proclaimed.

taxidriver2929 ::: Favorites
My family is latino and not a single one found it offensive. That is nothing. let me guess your just some white guy who want's to be politically correct so you treat other races know what thats called racism.
07-01-16 13:05:34
pasatio ::: Favorites
I'm an American of Cuban dissent. Don't see anything "offensive" there.
07-06-08 10:56:25
jabron1973 ::: Favorites
do you guys know what arnold schwarzenegger's name mean??? the answer is big black nigger... look it up for
07-06-24 13:55:18
mjm2005 ::: Favorites
That's wrong. The origin of the surname SCHWARZENEGGER is from a place or topographic name Schwarzenegg. Egg means "mountain ridge," schwarz means "black, dark." Place-name surnames are very common.
07-07-08 02:29:01
jabron1973 ::: Favorites
no, that's wrong. schwarzen means big black and the word negger is self explanatory
07-07-08 08:42:25
mjm2005 ::: Favorites
The word nigger is a derivative of a German word, NEGGAR. The definition for this word is 'plowman'. According to Arnold on Late Night with David Letterman: "black plowman." Fine, but it doesn't have the same meaning that you're trying to express. Where are you from anyway?
07-07-09 14:49:13
mjm2005 ::: Favorites
Whatever the case might be though...the fact remains that what Arnie said in this video is horrendous. Although, no one's perfect, right?
07-07-09 14:50:16
jabron1973 ::: Favorites
i see that you have never been to germany before. i lived their for 2 years(military) and the meaning is what i told you it was. you keep beating around the bush and finding different meanings from google or whatever and keep coming up with something "black" in your definitions. please just accept what i'm saying.noone cares about his name or he wouldn't be rich and famous now.but the truth is the truth.
07-07-09 14:57:21
mjm2005 ::: Favorites
See, now, that's better. I was a bit apprehensive because of your message initially. There will be random people who just spout nonsense without any support whatsoever. Or worse, people who pass on information that's false that they've heard from others and taken as truth. But fine, that makes sense. I guess Arnie gave the edited version on Late Night then.
07-07-09 15:13:32
jabron1973 ::: Favorites
yeah, he did. if you go to europe,no matter which country you go to,the word negger or neger means a black person.during slavery, the american whites took the word and respelled it to nigger.but to tell you the truth, the word really originated from egypt(back when egypt was called kemet).
07-07-09 15:20:07

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