Sunday, August 12, 2007

Is China Trying To Kill America From The Inside?

Duration: 119 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-26 19:16:18
User: grandtheftcountry
:::: Favorites

This is a report from ABC News concerning a tire recall from a Chinese manufacturer. This is the fourth recall in 30 days regarding deadly defects in imported goods from China.

popoTb ::: Favorites
imported !!!! the key word is IMPORTED!! U.S companies design and then order the manufacturing of these product in china (probably with factories that these U.S Co. bulid in China) cuz its cheap labor! Then these items will be inspected to see if they pass qualifications/regulations and then IMPORTed to the U.S! whose fault does this sound like to you ?????
07-07-09 16:52:04
Sevur ::: Favorites
Killing us from the inside? More than likely the answer is yes. It is within their military and economic doctrine and when they get caught they just deny it and we buy it each and every time. I hope it backfires but as long as we in the US are lazy, we will keep shooting ourselves in the foot. I only knowingly buy Canadian (for fish mainly) and US now but the location of origin label is being hidden away more and more lately, what else can you do?
07-07-21 03:50:15
stang661 ::: Favorites
China sucks balls. Maybe they can send us some soap with mercury in it.
07-08-09 18:27:01
50gang ::: Favorites
Chhhhhinaa gogogogo Killlll this fucking americans !!!!!!!!!!!!!
07-08-10 21:34:08
adnansstopper ::: Favorites
I dont get it! Chinese goods are obviously light years behind... Recently dozens of pets got killed by chinese pet foods and now this! Nobody is sueing them? Nobody is demanding compensation?? WHY??
07-08-11 09:29:01

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