Thursday, August 30, 2007


Duration: 04:01 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-12 16:50:10
User: khayav
:::: Favorites

My first rant. I think.

popsuckits ::: Favorites
I like the different voices..Thanks for showing us that we all more than our stereotypes...Contradictions...You are not retarded you are resmarted....
07-08-29 12:16:47
lehclox ::: Favorites
That's what I call a strong brand of weed
07-08-23 13:09:13
davenjoel ::: Favorites
Good going Khayav! I do that often myself! Keep 'em coming!
07-08-12 07:20:20
1JazzCat ::: Favorites
LOL "can u see that shot?" make your videos how you want to make them is correct.
07-08-11 18:27:34
ahermitt ::: Favorites
You remind my of my puppy. All bark and no bite.
07-08-10 14:39:39
gabzela ::: Favorites
Dude, get a fucken job.. You're the reason why gay people are discriminated against
07-08-08 09:28:33
Chaosheep ::: Favorites
Lol, you make me laugh khayav
07-08-07 19:19:05
angelmunchkinzz ::: Favorites
i dont care what you say or if you're running out of ideas because you're soooooo gorgeous and sexy and hot!!!
07-08-02 02:57:51
holikah ::: Favorites
07-08-01 17:10:21
sol5k ::: Favorites
has he had his teeth whitend cos them ivorys are whiter than eugene terrablanche
07-08-01 12:28:03

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