Thursday, August 30, 2007

VELIB - the Paris Free Pushbike Scheme

Duration: 03:43 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-15 08:11:20
User: wallyworld
:::: Favorites

Merde! I'm embarassed that this is Featured on French YouTube because I got the figures wrong in the video (trying to think on my feet and do it in one take). So kill me. "Velib" - the new rental pushbike scheme introduced by the Paris Town Hall - from "Velo" - bike and "Liberté" - liberty or freedom. The idea is that you pay a Subscription - either Daily, Weekly or Yearly - ranging from 1 Euro daily to 5 Euros Weekly to 29 Euros Yearly. On top of that you pay a Security Deposit of €150. Then you put your credit card or your pass into the machine and take your bike. The first half hour is free, then it starts to cost - €1 for the next half-hour, €2 for the half-hour after that and then a whopping €4 for the following half hours. In other words if you have the bike for 2 hours it's going to cost you €7. So the whole idea of this scheme is very short-term rental - long enough to get you from one end of the city to the other. Using a bike instead of the Metro, bus or tram. If you can do it in less than half an hour - its FREE (but you must pay a subscription and a Security Deposit) Here's their crappy site - - in French. And more information from the Press Release here - In the last three days I've noticed plenty of people using these bikes - from people in business clothes to obvious tourists. I hope it's a success but like I say in the video you need to be careful. Last week at Republique there was a 25 year old girl run over and killed by a 15 tonne truck whilst coming out of a bike track and on to the road. You may also be interested in this video - "Cutting Up Paris in HDV" - - help us get some HDV cameras for YouTubers! And if you're interested in My Life As A Frog (my life in Paris) go here to my site - à bientôt, Malcolm.

guglu ::: Favorites
which is normal coz the bus lanes are also for bikes. Taxis are "aloowed" there but bikes have priority over them. Just look at the road signs
07-08-29 09:46:08
wallyworld ::: Favorites
Yes we have corrected that - SEVERAL TIMES - if you'd bothered to read the comments and the DESCRIPTION.
07-08-29 08:43:44
guglu ::: Favorites
The subscription fee for one year is 29€ and not 150€
07-08-29 06:51:55
wallyworld ::: Favorites
Just what I need - another smartarse.
07-08-09 23:29:56
peterhulshof ::: Favorites
I'm quoting you, it is you who used that phrase as an argument in a previous discussion. I don't understand your method of discussion. This is my last response since we are not getting anywhere with this. Thank you. Kind regards, Peter
07-08-09 17:00:45
wallyworld ::: Favorites
"tout de suite"? and you say you live in Paris? Try "donc". Kind regards, Malkie.
07-08-09 01:31:16
peterhulshof ::: Favorites
No, I didn't. But after reading it, I don't see why your comment or your description is applying to my comment. Tout de suite is not a free ticket to I-can-proclaim-anything-I-want-without-getting-critical-reaction-town. Kind regards, Peter
07-08-08 18:16:33
bootzywootzy ::: Favorites
I thihnk a lot of people dont read them,like me I just usually watch the videos,but when someone has somrehting to say like you made a mistake they should check on the descrition first before they say anyting.
07-08-05 18:47:15
brusselmkg ::: Favorites
About helmets : Check out Wikipedia ( Bicycle_helmet ), the site of the Bicycle helmet Research Foundation , and check out this video on YouTube: YdoE2YCvwdM ( The science seems to point to helmets being vastly oversold)
07-08-04 21:45:07
wallyworld ::: Favorites
Did you even bother to read the description?
07-08-03 17:12:18

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