Thursday, August 30, 2007

Mac Vs PC - "Surgery" Spoof

Duration: 00:30 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-02 17:47:34
User: wallyworld
:::: Favorites

Yeah yeah - it's rough and ready

wallyworld ::: Favorites
Says "United States" on your Channel asshole. I notice you've been winning friends all over YouTube.
07-04-16 08:17:23
Darrylpowis ::: Favorites
haha awesome mate, nice one... what the fuck is wrong with americans not being able to tell the difference between english and aussie.. i always get asked if im australian, and im pretty sure you guys all get asked if you're english zzzzz
07-04-16 07:19:42
silentwulfsfan ::: Favorites
i think that was austrailian
07-04-13 17:58:20
KoralleMoon ::: Favorites
I liked it. I'm not really a big fan of British humour, but there's something about the way he said, "Mate, I know I'm a fat bastard" that made me laugh.
07-04-10 10:47:29
valenn10 ::: Favorites
im not american
07-03-26 17:30:04
numenorean17 ::: Favorites
i personally think this is great really funny and as for those who call this video crap and so on obviously have no way to improve it given the fact they dont give anything constructive which must mean this is a great video and cant be improved and i challenge any1 to say anything different without contradicting my abov point
07-03-23 17:04:13
clairemolecular ::: Favorites
lol :)
07-03-23 01:13:15
wallyworld ::: Favorites
Highly intelligent and original comment from a xenophobic American (i presum) moron.
07-03-22 03:04:49
valenn10 ::: Favorites
suck ya moms dick u forein peice of shit. The whole time I was watching the vid i was thinking this is 30 sec i will never get back. Never make a vid again.
07-03-21 20:15:50
wallyworld ::: Favorites
Aussie-hating Poms, I presume.
07-03-17 03:10:35

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