Monday, October 15, 2007

crazy day off

Duration: 07:35 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-10-05 07:55:49
User: slayerette
:::: Favorites
:::: Top Videos of Day

I ramble, as usual. I havent watched this video back so, no idea what i'm on about! lol


joelsa ::: Favorites
the l word is terrrrrrrrrible. uuuuuugggghhhh. i can't stand it. just thinking about how terrible it gives me pain in my teeth.
07-01-04 11:30:38
juliancaesar ::: Favorites
I just want to say that I have just recently started watching your stuff and ur so quirky and fun. You remind me alot of my close friend. I'm going to tell her to watch you!
06-11-03 02:21:35
Agumon1606 ::: Favorites
You need to make more videos!!!
06-10-16 17:50:24
NashTax ::: Favorites
how come you keep swollowing?
06-10-15 11:07:42
slayerette ::: Favorites
Desperate much?
06-10-13 13:10:57
NashTax ::: Favorites
nice vid!
06-10-13 13:01:23
smileyluv ::: Favorites
hey! watch my vids! :) then shout out to me telling me what you think :)
06-10-13 02:55:09
DaisyMate ::: Favorites
I missed you! You better post another video soon. Everyone needs a lazy day to just lounge around. :] And lonelygirl being gay would be soooooo funny!
06-10-12 20:17:50
Zetan4 ::: Favorites
Yay! Glad you're back... I was starting to get worried. You should watch me instead of the L-Word... I have lesbian cats and ferrets, instead of fake lesbian actresses. Much more fun.
06-10-09 07:52:36
MeatyUrologist ::: Favorites
I'm back! I'm fucking back! And your video is great! Don't make us wait so long for the next one. Okay?
06-10-08 01:43:01

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