Monday, October 15, 2007


Duration: 07:10 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-05-18 10:59:55
User: joki987
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Jakeatecakeagain ::: Favorites
This is one cool video. What's the name of the song?
07-08-05 06:00:55
anonkanon ::: Favorites
this song is SMOKYです。 曲名ちゃんと出てんだから、ちゃんと見ろよ?! 全然面白くない!!!
07-09-21 15:08:53
C7Blackjack ::: Favorites
Damn, good stuff! Not just guitar wise, the song is pretty damn groovy too!
07-08-04 13:35:33
srvblues1 ::: Favorites
07-08-01 06:24:42
ChrisMcRae ::: Favorites
How is it possible this video gets no comments? Its so good! Thank god for Brian Setzer recognizing the awesomeness of these men, and sharing that knowledge with me
07-06-04 01:38:11
Mansoor9 ::: Favorites
Look at the tag. This video will go completely unnoticed when it doesn't turn up on anyone's search results.
07-07-01 20:40:48
ChrisMcRae ::: Favorites
True, but it has quite a lot of views considering the tag. Maybe, to the poster, you could but an English tag on? The fools are missing out on greatness
07-07-02 00:20:27
Patazilla ::: Favorites
Char! *_* He's really awesome on guitar and vocals...
06-09-29 11:13:17

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