Monday, October 15, 2007

Jet model airplane crash

Duration: 01:27 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-05-11 18:32:45
User: KapteinKUK
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Kangaroo jet crash. Wrong rudder input during knife-edge. Filmed by a club mate, edit by me.


lukeevans1978 ::: Favorites
07-10-14 08:37:48
100KA ::: Favorites
thats messed up .. he was sideways.. i think he forgot that and tryed to get higher.. insted hi got lower !
07-10-13 01:57:34
bendl2 ::: Favorites
oh man! i feal so sorry for u!!! evensis is right thats like $3500 dollars of equipment right there, along with about half ayear of work and man! A nie plane too!!! But the turbine looks savagealble though and thats worth a huge hunk of money
07-10-11 19:49:04
tesla120 ::: Favorites
Didn't look like a very good knife edge either... your supposed to have the nose pointed above the line of travel not along it.....
07-10-10 19:56:10
kbuwerks ::: Favorites
I hear tear drops hitting the ground...
07-10-07 08:44:17
sshhiittyy ::: Favorites
knife edge down wind minus altitude makes jack a risk taker.....lesson learned
07-10-06 10:05:16
MEGATRON9090 ::: Favorites
That was way cool .... LOL
07-10-05 01:23:32
Taydrum ::: Favorites
07-10-03 20:05:49
NickSayle ::: Favorites
HA HA HA HA HA HA he's broken his toy plane!!
07-10-03 19:12:13
narutoluvr1994 ::: Favorites
so do i my friend(well i want one anyway) :)
07-09-29 23:34:33

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