Thursday, October 4, 2007

The Legend of Zelda Wind Waker: Deku Ceremony

Duration: 01:19 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-22 09:52:59
User: emoaj66
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The Deku Ceremony after saving Makar. Not long but passes the time. To view the boss battle go to


emoaj66 ::: Favorites
The ceremony is used to produce more Deku seeds. Deku Ceremony.
07-09-23 16:45:20
vamori ::: Favorites
ok to let you all know... these are KOROKS not dekus. say it with me KOR-OK. now was that so hard?
07-09-23 16:28:10
TheVexReaper ::: Favorites
me too love the music
07-08-19 17:43:01
emoaj66 ::: Favorites
Well she is like 12 or around Links age and acts like an adult and a don't really need to try to make Tetra look demented...
07-08-16 01:29:32
supersupermario765 ::: Favorites
oh i think i'll try that that will make tetra look demented
07-08-16 01:05:24
emoaj66 ::: Favorites
I named Link Zelda. If you watch my video on Tetra's Identity the King says Zelda to both Tetra and Link.
07-08-16 01:03:42
supersupermario765 ::: Favorites
uhhh guys you didnt notice he put ZELDA the true name is link look for it while makars talking at the beginning
07-08-16 00:37:06
ianXD ::: Favorites
this is wat i was lookin for
07-07-18 18:37:59
jettythesunfish ::: Favorites
07-07-11 16:43:03
rooster9116 ::: Favorites
One of the reasons I thought wind waker was better than twighlight princess was because of Link has a lot more emotion. lol
07-07-10 23:54:48

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