Thursday, October 4, 2007

Windows Dose 3D Desktop

Duration: 04:45 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-27 05:12:09
User: coolass222
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WoW Windows Doing 3D Desktop


coolass222 ::: Favorites
??? This is one of my few videos it gives time to be able to do this crap dont need to be a bitch.
07-08-30 01:07:32
Invadercelica ::: Favorites
It isn't so much the choice of words, or the fact that you repeat your self. It is the pure and simple fact that you keep smacking almost every time you pause. Sounds like you are sucking on candy and you don't want it to fall out of your mouth. That right there is one reason not everyone should be able to record and upload themselves.
07-08-29 18:28:40
coolass222 ::: Favorites
I can talk just fine thank you... just when I am on this subject its annoying cuz I repeat so much to imbed it in your PC idiot brains.
07-07-27 21:28:47
Charrasca ::: Favorites
Stop using drugs or learn to speak.
07-07-27 16:14:35
coolass222 ::: Favorites
07-07-27 12:38:47
Charrasca ::: Favorites
Stop using that shit or learn to talk.
07-07-27 10:04:26
coolass222 ::: Favorites
Not as good compared to this PC stuff
07-07-13 22:57:41
coolass222 ::: Favorites
I am friends with Kost little man... We discuss allot... There is nothing to own. ROFL stop being stuck in his clinical thinking - yet clinical - he know psychology... lol even tho he is cool "D
07-07-12 10:52:30
terryjonesxp ::: Favorites
There is a 3d desktop for mac os 10.4 tiger call virture desktops. It can give you the cube effect plus many other effects and an unlimited number of virtual desktops. It can with ppc and intel macs. I use it all the time to get real work done in the mac os. Very easy to install. I wish you the best of luck.
07-07-09 03:00:33
coolass222 ::: Favorites
Rather not fork up $20 lol
07-06-28 05:29:34

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