Thursday, October 4, 2007

Qui-Gon Jinn sees the future (redone part 2)

Duration: 04:05 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-14 11:45:52
User: kevda
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This is probaly better than the other one Qui-Gon has some visions during this fight against Darth Maul, his visions are from the future when Anakin turns to the dark side. So Qui-Gon is triying to finish Maul off so he can prebent this events from happening but he fails... Obi-Wan finishes Maul but he doesnt know anything about what Qui-Gon Jinn saw...


kevda ::: Favorites
sorry for the big huge logo guys
07-10-01 20:41:59
Artonzikuikonzi ::: Favorites
07-09-27 14:12:42
Enevri ::: Favorites
Yes, he does. He gets killed by Darth Vader in Ep 4.
07-09-26 09:06:32
Artonzikuikonzi ::: Favorites
Hey!Does Obi wan kenobi die at any movie?I didn't watch all the movies...Great clips!!!
07-09-25 08:29:33
Enevri ::: Favorites
I agree- this one is better. I was waiting for a shot where they put the mask on Anakin's face, though. It's a gripping scene and would be a link between the Annie-Obi fight and the death of Emperor. But it's great, anyway. I know Qui-Gon probably didn't see all this but it feels kind of... right. BTW, I cried. I always do on SW.
07-09-24 16:55:24
borna22 ::: Favorites
Very nice video, the fact that he saw all the way to the death of the emperor was sweet, and only 2 things that i thought it would b sweet 2 c, first the slaying of all the jedi, and second in the end qui gons last sentence. well done loved it.
07-09-24 14:53:17
RBMS13 ::: Favorites
SWEET!! I love it!!
07-09-19 17:08:16
DeutscherEmperor ::: Favorites
Sorry I've forgotten the most important: - Very good video
07-09-19 13:12:33
DeutscherEmperor ::: Favorites
What's the titel of the song???
07-09-19 13:08:20
sithlord246 ::: Favorites
Grear video how did you get qui0gon to appear next to anakin??? or is it in a different version of ep 5?
07-09-19 11:31:09

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