Saturday, March 29, 2008

Dance Evolution

Duration: 03:26 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-05-24 22:30:35

Comedian dancing to various songs over the last 40 years...


itsinurbut123456789  2007-03-31 17:20:57

I give you a 0 out of 20:(
lonelyfag15  2007-01-10 20:08:53

y do u keep comment every other day on the same video? its not aim fagget, get some friends and lose the youtube life
ForgivenForSure  2007-01-07 00:40:07

shounenguy, if you don't like it, don't watch it. Seriously, why did you rip it off? I mean it's not even all of it, the quality is terrible, the quality is terrible, and it has an advertisement on it.
bandiezz  2007-01-05 06:42:58

this version sucks!!!! better the old one
shounenguy2  2006-12-14 21:56:42

Oh that's right I forgot I have a sixth sense that tells me whether or not a video is going to be good before I even watch it. Man you are a fucking genius.

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