Saturday, March 29, 2008

halo 3 marine suicide

Duration: 03:20 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-10 16:39:59

I was playing campaign with my friends and i got a hornet with a helper. Then out of no where when we were about to get into a battle he commits suicide for some reason. Next after that it shows some of my hornet fight. Sorry i didn't show you the really actiony part but you cant rewind when your in theater watching campaign. :( sorry By the way the song is by Matisyahou, beat boxing


samkorp  2008-03-26 12:05:44

FunnyShittyStuff  2008-03-26 01:33:11

"I can't go on with this idiot driver!" "We haven't flown for two seconds." "THAT'S WHAT SUCKS!!! *jumps*"
samkorp  2008-03-24 11:17:52

lol maybe.
xxJMStudiosxx  2008-03-23 17:20:16

maybe the helmet was scuba gear?
samkorp  2008-03-05 18:11:58

lol i hope not

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