Saturday, March 29, 2008

Mormon Missionaries Are Hot!

Duration: 10:17 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-10 23:40:40

I was talking to my friend, Travis aka XlaviathanX on the phone when there was a knock on the door. I recorded this after the last video, my uploader is fucking slow.


rigbys5  2008-03-11 18:48:23

The word is not we can't, it's we shouldn't. Most of everything we should not do is the best for our lives our bodies. We are known for being the longest living people. We are a church of families and living a Christ like life and as a member I Am never mean to gays,but with a gay lifestyle does not bring children nor happiness. It's only short term happiness.
RantingWithB  2008-02-10 09:37:38

Thank you. I will.
emmasmiles100  2008-02-09 01:12:34

Don't worry! To tell the truth I was not always LDS and I have told EVERY Mormon joke in the book. Honestly those missionaries are hot! Have a nice day and try to find a religion that is right for you!
RantingWithB  2008-02-02 10:44:53

I'm sorry if I dissed your religion, but Mormonism is not for me.
emmasmiles100  2008-02-01 20:05:40

Elder is like calling them Mr. They have real names but they really don't tell you them. LDS people have a lot of fun stuff to do. Oh and Elders don't get picked off the street. To go on a mission you have to hold the preisthood... Not to be mean. I'm trying to set things strait for my faith. PS our church has been around for a long time, it has just been restored.

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