Friday, September 28, 2007

Anastacia & Wayne: About their wedding

Duration: 02:50 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-29 15:28:21
User: oOgarnetOo
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I put together some videos from german news with the song of their wedding :) I hope you'll live happy forever...luv ya!!! =)


Mexicaninbelarus ::: Favorites
I Dont think so, but of course blacks have the ugliest women, thats the reason you see it beautiiful, youre a shame
07-09-28 00:15:30
HateRacist88 ::: Favorites
Interracial love is great
07-09-27 18:29:44
Trelli28 ::: Favorites
Fucking selfhating piece of shit. Your black mother should have aborted you...
07-09-27 00:13:33
Trelli28 ::: Favorites
Fucking Sellout! When she starts wrinkling at 25 the laugh will be on him
07-09-27 00:10:58
meloncon21 ::: Favorites
why would you guys make dump ass coments on there beautiful video that they took the time to share with everyone.You people with no sense screw up everything believe that any how to the wedding couple only I thought that was beautiful cant wait for my wedding day
07-09-26 12:53:18
HateRacist88 ::: Favorites
She is one beautiful white women Their is nothing wrong with Interracial Love
07-09-25 17:14:30
Mexicaninbelarus ::: Favorites
hahaha, cocks??, yeah thats the reason why your kind is really inferior. Youre thinking always in sex, fucking animal, get a life and get over your negro trauma
07-09-24 00:06:18
Mexicaninbelarus ::: Favorites
youre the same monkeyman, i bet you have another account, and you created that one to spam every interracial video, pathetic
07-09-24 00:05:11
Mexicaninbelarus ::: Favorites
lol, every white girl i have met only likes white boys, i would like to know where do you live cuz everywhere i go,the reality says something completely different 97% OF white girls prefer white males is a fact man, why do you like to post this, do you want to get over your child trauma saying false bullshit?, hahaha.
07-09-24 00:04:19
willyrobinson ::: Favorites
That's how you think about things, with your cock? Man uses his brain not relying on lusts and desires to lead him. "From the corruption of women proceeds the confusion of races; from the confusion of races, the loss of memory; from the loss of memory, all understanding; and from this -- all evil." Sri Krsna, Bhagavad-Gita
07-09-23 23:50:20

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