Friday, September 28, 2007

Pentagon 9-11 Surveillance Camera Video Impact 2

Duration: 01:21 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-04 15:21:48
User: foghaze
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Pentagon 9-11 Surveilence Camera Video of Impact. Does not seem to indicate a Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon. Doesn't show much of anything. Why won't they show us a 757 hitting the Pentagon? They have plenty of Surveillance Cameras surrounding the Pentagon. Why is this the only one made public? You decide.


seanboy80 ::: Favorites
I just think it's funny how everyone who laughs at the CTers actually thinks that the white streak is the nose of the boeing plane, when you can clearly see an object in front. Now whether that object is the jet plane or not remains to be debated, but people need to at least understand that the streak is NOT the plane itself, as can clearly be seen here.
07-09-27 14:01:36
opensourcethong ::: Favorites
i'm no conspiracy buff. but the offical story seems hard to believe when there's no existing video of the plane clearly crashing into it, the fact that this video wasn't released for about 5 years, and that the hole in the side of the pentagon couldn't possibly have been made by a jet plane
07-09-25 22:10:24
Drbob7777 ::: Favorites
omg ok guys this plane was hauling ass in a decent it could of desentagrated, this camera is a frame per second to blink and you miss, truly 700mph plus 1 frame per second = not that good of a picture.....
07-09-23 00:45:09
USCGBM ::: Favorites
Omfg I love what koolala said. That's hilarious "The American government NEVER lies" there is no way anyone could say that with a straight face. I'm not anti-American, I love my country but it sure as hell doesn't look like a Boeing hit that. 9/11 was a sad day, the WTC's were hit by planes, we can see that clearly and we know who did it, but this is not he same.
07-09-22 17:48:16
jprimex ::: Favorites
So what do you have to say about this? Huh?
07-09-21 18:43:09
jprimex ::: Favorites
Also why was there an explosion on impact? if it was a plane?
07-09-21 15:40:09
jprimex ::: Favorites
Really a reflection staying in the air like it was not light? Hmm your perception seems weird because 1: light doesn't hang in the air. 2: If it were a plane then you wouldn't see the contrails because the altitide is too low. 3: The reason it looks like a plane is because they made the cruise missile look like a comercial jet liner, so that anyone who saw the so-called "plane" wouldn't think it was a missle. and finally 4: the attacks on 9/11 happened 8 months after he was elected as president
07-09-21 15:38:12
haloisok ::: Favorites
Could it be, oh I don't know, the reflection of the plane! Perhaps the distortion of light around it? Seriously guys. pause the video on the first frame, and check how much light distortion there is. And guys don't forget, the Pentagon is huge! Its 77 feet tall and is the largest office building in the world by floor area. You would not be able to see a dopey little cruise missile next to it, let alone the tip of one. Please guys, quit your pseudo-detective hobbies.
07-09-20 13:20:55
muzicmaker2001 ::: Favorites
Excellent video foghaze!!! No 757 in sight.
07-09-19 20:57:33
bull912000 ::: Favorites
Yes it is VERY crudely outlined, but then, the video in itself is quite crude.
07-09-19 18:34:48

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