Friday, September 28, 2007

NBA on CBS 1985 NBA Draft Lottery - COMPLETE VERSION

Duration: 10:58 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-06 00:02:34
User: TRJ22487
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NBA on CBS coverage of the 1985 NBA Draft Lottery, the first ever. I got a lot of complaints about my original video not showing David Stern reaching into the drum for the alleged "frozen envolope" so I included the entire thing, as well as Dave Debusschere showing a Ewing jersey already made up. A prelude to the Knicks-Pacers rivalry of the 1990's. Fans of the bent envelope theory point to 4:50 of the video where the corner of the envelope that would eventually be picked #1 can be seen with a bent corner sticking up. Narrated by Pat O'Brien


futekkk ::: Favorites
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07-09-24 12:44:51
HaneulMoon ::: Favorites
The buster draft, players that never won a championship :p
07-09-19 08:16:04
ienvy67 ::: Favorites
Roger Goodell owns David Stern
07-09-05 23:12:48
krazyeman ::: Favorites
Shaquille O'Neal is the biggest asshole in the world. He gets away with it only because the media loves him.
07-09-03 15:23:33
scotplaya ::: Favorites
in the nba, it's all about new york and los angeles.
07-08-28 21:25:41
pilvlp ::: Favorites
cyberdunk. com/? ref=114101 The best free basketball game online!!!!!!!!
07-08-24 19:42:04
joshk1m ::: Favorites
go say that in some video that actually has to do with kobe
07-08-15 01:07:40
AlphaWoIf5 ::: Favorites
Even forming one of the greatest line-ups in NBA history (Shaquille O'Neal, Karl Malone, Gary Payton) wasn't enough for the selfish bastard that is Kobe Bryant. His off-court shenanigan's and 0% team chemistry destroyed the beloved Laker franchise and what could of been the most dominating team of our current NBA-era. WOULD YOU CHEER FOR A RAPIST SCUMBAG WHO IS GOING TO ROTT IN HELL?
07-08-14 19:51:03
joshk1m ::: Favorites
when that dave rebussher or whatever 'finds out' he has the first pick his reaction looks kinda.. awkward actually its awkward throughout.
07-08-13 03:26:55
hoosierlooker ::: Favorites
The 85 draft lottery was rigged, the NBA refs are crooked and the league is a bigger fraud than the WWE.
07-08-07 21:03:29

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