Friday, September 28, 2007

Linux introduction & commentary- Windows Vista alternative

Duration: 03:18 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-06 14:01:44
User: aroakley
:::: Favorites
:::: Top Videos of Day

A three-minute introduction to the 2007 Linux desktop, aimed at beginners and curious Microsoft Windows Vista users. Shows off Ubuntu, Gnome and the Beryl 3D desktop, plus OpenOffice Writer word processor, Firefox browser, MPlayer video player and more.


MrYapper07 ::: Favorites
this is a total rip off of MAC APP all of this crazy stuff was mad e on a MAC
07-09-27 16:11:42
Gispero ::: Favorites
Good video, no jargon, no unnecessary geek speak. Keep up the good working and make more of the video to even more what Linux distribution can do. Maybe introduce people to Wubi.
07-09-03 09:27:19
timelord49 ::: Favorites
nice video. very informative. great doctor who ep :p
07-09-01 22:13:06
xXfalafelXx ::: Favorites
no linux flash drivers for x86 64bit, shame on you adobe :(
07-08-31 17:47:25
DMXell ::: Favorites
... I had all the restricted codecs installed, that wasn't my problem.
07-08-22 19:29:11
linuxguy999 ::: Favorites
Gee, look! He got a computer for his birthday! Happy 14th!
07-08-22 16:36:00
linuxguy999 ::: Favorites
Download linux mint! Ubuntu with restricted codec installed!
07-08-22 16:31:36
meh23p ::: Favorites
Cool video, great work.
07-08-07 19:47:17
DMXell ::: Favorites
Actually, I had all the gstreamer codecs and crap installed. I fixed it when I saw a forum post with my same problem. Apparently Totems native video format doesn't comply with my video card, so I had to change it via the terminal to X11. Works perfect now :-D
07-08-02 04:38:45
aroakley ::: Favorites
There's a guide to installing "Restricted Formats" for video and audio here: help dot ubuntu dot com slash community slash RestrictedFormats
07-08-02 04:36:47

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