Friday, September 7, 2007

fear decline

Duration: 07:22 minutes
Upload Time: 06-06-04 13:30:40
User: bradx
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fear from decline of western civilization

HolyHellPreacher ::: Favorites
Where's the best part? The part with the band calling everyone queers and pushing people off of the stage! That was classic!
07-09-05 23:47:08
GeorgeDRange ::: Favorites
On my 21st Birthday I wandered into a bar with my Mom to have my first (legal) drink. A few minutes later, a man bedecked in a cowboy hat, boots and a vest with a gorgeous blond on his arm came in and sat down. He went to the john, and she made me aware that her guy was Lee Ving. Didn't recognize him in his preferred attire. Long story short, I had on beer ON Fear! Lee's a great guy!
07-09-05 17:15:04
thisyearsgirl13 ::: Favorites
Lee Ving was Mr. Boddy!
07-07-09 13:42:43
frankie50 ::: Favorites
the most honest band that ever was. Still revelant today. God bless John Belushi.
07-07-04 21:19:18
xfearbeforex ::: Favorites
ATTENTION: I have the full film of decline of western civilization on my computer but am not sure how to split it. If you want to awesome, message me and I'll send you the video if you can split it, I'm sure everyone here would love to see this rare film! Thanks!
07-07-02 22:20:44
alansready ::: Favorites
this guy has a great voice and i just miosed thenm in 1982 at the mall in washingtron dc
07-07-02 02:34:12
laynasor ::: Favorites
la 83!
07-05-31 18:53:31
soysaucefool ::: Favorites
Fear is the greatest fucking punk band to come out of the greatest punk scene ever Anybody remember Lee in the movie clue
07-05-25 16:20:28
Gr3mpy123 ::: Favorites
Lee Ving was so damn amazing. This rocks so hard the stupid punks are confused. Because FEAR was so damn great. Nobody 'got' this. Their own band probably doesnt even 'get' how good their own performance was. I do though. I appreciate the fuck out of it.
07-05-24 17:37:29
dexterSS55 ::: Favorites
flea from the chili peppers was in this band.
07-05-20 01:03:42

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