Friday, September 7, 2007


Duration: 02:29 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-14 11:46:12
User: wogsland
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So I shot the trip vlogs but have been too darn busy to post 'em. Enjoy this in the meantime.

austinvs ::: Favorites
OMG, ZARA, what a beautiful name, and what a precocious little girl
07-08-06 22:01:11
wogsland ::: Favorites
07-07-21 19:03:42
KobyBrandt ::: Favorites
Glad to hear it! And a little more seriously, I hope all goes smoothly and well for you and yours in your transition to your new home. Take care.
07-07-21 19:01:25
wogsland ::: Favorites
There are only signs for 1 presidential candidate in our little town - Ron Paul. Nobody'd even consider having the government tell me what kind of lightbulb to use here.
07-07-21 18:55:11
KobyBrandt ::: Favorites
Glad ja made it! Welcome to Alabama! The Reddest of all the Red States. Have fun...
07-07-19 18:31:57
wogsland ::: Favorites
07-07-18 22:03:35
wogsland ::: Favorites
And I stashed a few more away in the garage for a rainy day...
07-07-18 22:02:59
wogsland ::: Favorites
Yes, it is getting ever closer to ponytail length, but it is hot!
07-07-18 22:02:27
wogsland ::: Favorites
Yes, but the kiddoes were ready to lynch us if we didn't head southward.
07-07-18 22:00:53
boobear2005 ::: Favorites
Looks like lots of fun! There is not much better that a box.
07-07-18 00:20:06

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