Friday, September 7, 2007

States Fighting Illegal Alien Invasion On Their Own Terms

Duration: 05:41 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-29 13:54:20
User: AmericanResolve
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As the Feds have openly refused to enforce immigration laws the states themselves are left with little choice other than to combat the illegal alien onslaught on their own. However, they are meeting resistance from legal challenges aimed at aiding and abetting the Mexican invasion.

reuven2007 ::: Favorites
and mexico? mexico is messed up with pollution, corruption, crimes etc.! maybe you do not dserve to be a nation? hmhmhhmmmm
07-09-06 11:19:05
lair4me ::: Favorites
nOW THE illegal alien advocates like MALDEF, ACLU, LA RAZA, SEIU are using our own court system and filing lawsuits against any type of enforcement action. They look for the courts that have activist/leftist federal judges who are willing to make policy instead of ruling on the merits of the law. Shame on every judge who is misusing their position on the bench to the detriment of this country and to advance the causes of illegal aliens and their foreign governments.
07-09-05 04:29:12
lair4me ::: Favorites
To top it all off, now these arrogant, mostly illiterate illegal aliens and their anti-American, Socialist advocates like MALDEF, LA RAZA, LULAC are demanding that we subsidize in-state college tutition benefits to illegals plus allow them to tap into public student aid/grants/loans/scholarships AND give them CITIZENSHIP. STOP THE DREAM ACT NOW!
07-09-05 04:26:02
Prence ::: Favorites
If any church wants to get into politics then let them pay taxes just like every other politician has to.
07-09-05 01:11:37
caverron ::: Favorites
I can imagine it dodger. 1/4 less crime. The schools paying full attention to the children of LEGAL Americans. Our taxes being used for citizens. Our hospital emergency rooms not looking like a 3rd world refugee camp. America without illegals would be great! Most American cook their own meals. I don't need ANY illegals. Send them home. Mexico getting all those people back, would implode.
07-09-05 00:06:29
caverron ::: Favorites
When the Church takes a political stand, they are in violation of the seperation of Church and State. I say we take away the tax free status they enjoy and see how many stopping aiding criminal illegals.
07-09-05 00:02:05
screwopenborders ::: Favorites
dodger: shamnesty failed, they aren't the ones doing the ass kicking its the sellout greedy politicians. the other comment was for you also.
07-09-04 22:55:37
screwopenborders ::: Favorites
we can fix our own food and live in the present not the past. you say you like we're related to someone that killed indians, just like your related to mexican drug lords that kill people and sell drugs that kill people right? think about your logic dumbass.
07-09-04 22:54:15
dodgerfanatico ::: Favorites
imagine the usa wo illegals, who would make you a taco or a burrito or an enchilada, or a tamale, cmon ,,,you need the illegals, you got this far by exploitation, and stealing land, and killing indians, and invading other countries, you have dirtied and destroyed this beautiful country with your polution, maybe you dont deserve this land anymore, hmmmmmmmm
07-09-04 21:49:33
turntapzap ::: Favorites
I they need money, I will send every fucking dime I have! This could well be the begining of something great. If those bitches in "sanctuary" cities can ignore the law, we can too.
07-09-04 20:02:18

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