Friday, September 7, 2007

Nessun Dorma - Placido Domingo

Duration: 03:17 minutes
Upload Time: 06-05-20 18:54:53
User: FamiliaOrero
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Nessun Dorma - Plácido Domingo - Turandot - Puccini

spinmonkey4401 ::: Favorites
I've been watching a lot of videos of Pavarotti since his passing and sit there in awe but I just found this video of Domingo and was absolutely floored!
07-09-07 06:08:55
emalaithdies ::: Favorites
no disrespect to pavarotti RIP as a great singer, but i don't see how anyone in all conscience could suggest that he produced sound of a quality that matches placido domingos. That ever present ring is a marvel
07-09-07 03:03:36
esroberto1 ::: Favorites
Amazing. Killing those first A's while prone on a staircase?! Insane. Bravo indeed. Pavarotti's 1998 3 Tenors performance still wins... not that it's a competition, I'm just sayin'.
07-09-07 00:41:39
arn123321 ::: Favorites
the key hasn't been changed. you are not only not a singer, you are tone deaf.
07-09-06 21:32:55
Whistlechops ::: Favorites
Totally agree with that. Fantastic voice, handsome bastard, and can act. And I'm not gay. I just appreciate talent when I experience it.
07-09-06 18:22:08
ProfessionalCynic ::: Favorites
I love the vibrant quality of his voice. He has such a *pretty* voice. Sigh. Eh, it doesn't hurt that he's one of the handsomest men ever to sing opera and he can actually act to boot. Put all that with his exquisite voice and...heaven.
07-09-06 17:28:49
JositoyRumita ::: Favorites
A mi sinceramente me da que bassodivo lo que es es MÚ TONTO
07-09-06 06:48:20
danyheberle ::: Favorites
Simplesmente maravilhoso...
07-09-05 13:59:17
inclusio ::: Favorites
Zefirrelli's Turandot is magnificent. Placido singgs this Aria perfectly and I never tire of watching this piece. It brings me to tears every time. Bravo Placido.
07-09-05 04:49:41
alsoej ::: Favorites
Jcrewone7 - i have seen this comment just about anywhere. first, stop spamming your comments and second, Savelli's rendition is at best fair.
07-09-04 08:41:51

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