Saturday, August 4, 2007

Bob Barker's replacement, 6.22

Duration: 197 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-22 10:07:40
User: CBS
:::: Favorites

Craig shares some insider gossip on who will replace Bob Barker as host of "The Price is Right."

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ultrakool ::: Favorites
I got my mind right boss.
07-06-23 10:24:48
stewart0312 ::: Favorites
So awesome
07-06-23 11:31:16
n00blyf ::: Favorites
The more Craig Ferguson ages the more he looks like Maury Povich!
07-06-23 19:32:34
paulwall08 ::: Favorites
BRILLIANT! craig ferguson is awesome
07-06-23 22:10:03
velation ::: Favorites
Genius! Where have all these vids been?
07-06-24 00:26:34
NVCTV ::: Favorites
I can hear Rosie now "did anyone notice the price of diet coke fell for no reason at all hmmm"
07-06-24 03:08:32
helraizr ::: Favorites
When will Craig be funny?
07-06-24 04:20:39
rundoetx ::: Favorites
She shouldn't even be allowed on TV or the internet Free Hugs From Tx Rundoetx
07-06-24 09:53:57
p00pstr34ks ::: Favorites
drew carey >__________>
07-06-24 14:25:14
imheretoraisehell316 ::: Favorites
at 2:55 he sounds like dusty
07-06-26 04:30:13

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