Saturday, August 4, 2007

Daily Sports Update 2/21

Duration: 305 seconds
Upload Time: 07-02-21 16:55:31
User: CBS
:::: Favorites

Amber Wilson catches you up with the latest news in the world of sports including another number one falling in college basketball and the return of Steve Nash to the Suns' lineup.

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BrianDocBlues22 ::: Favorites
A-Rod and Jeter situation - You know what they say when you assume. You make an ass out of u and me:P
07-02-22 05:07:48
TiCLer ::: Favorites
07-02-22 12:05:24
thekino ::: Favorites
Baller in the house, cooler than the other side...
07-02-27 21:07:46
thekino ::: Favorites
You've got to love this girl. Smart and gorgeous!
07-03-05 14:11:47
sabot280 ::: Favorites
she is so incredibly hot!
07-03-20 08:08:32

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