Saturday, August 4, 2007

First Look: Priest Shortage (CBS News)

Duration: 79 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-17 16:13:42
User: CBS
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Kelly Wallace previews her story on the Catholic Church's priest shortage in the United States, the renewed debate about celibacy and the role of women. (

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07-07-17 16:16:15
Grantlysme ::: Favorites
1Timothy 4:1-3 But the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, cleaving to deceiving spirits and teachings of demons, 2 in lying speakers in hypocrisy, being seared in their own conscience, 3 forbidding to marry... 1Ti 4:3 Forbidding to marry,...
07-07-18 01:12:54

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