Saturday, August 4, 2007

Hollywood Minute - Beyonce and Aligator Album / PETA

Duration: 72 seconds
Upload Time: 06-09-22 14:47:13
User: ManiaTVdotcom
:::: Favorites
Description: CJ Megan give the scoop on Beyonce and her Alligator Photoshoot on Hollywood Minute.

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ilsan65 ::: Favorites
so she doesnt wear fur hey? woteva. i seen her in fur lots check this site 4 urself. and she loox great every time
07-07-10 18:17:26
nononsense4BEYONCE ::: Favorites
It's a damn fur coat, not cocaine. If she has the money and wearing fur is legal...she can wear whatever in the fuck she wants. I wish someone would tell me what the hell to wear. There are more important things to be upset about in this world than some stank ass fur. The war for instance, PEOPLE are dying. Shit, save the people first. Num nuts!
07-07-12 03:57:59
Ligar250 ::: Favorites
I was jus tsaying what she said in the video, PETA said she wears fur, and I never denied it myself. I don't care if a blood diamond looks great on you, it still was mined my slaves in africaand you buying it funded an army which kills boys and innocent men and rapes girls as young as 10 and women whos husdands just got killed in front of them.
07-07-13 18:22:41
Ligar250 ::: Favorites
do you have a diamond ring on your hand or your wife's hand that you bought? you just funded a rebel army in africa who kills and rapes people. if you do not buy 100 percent free traded food, clothing, etc. you are contributing to starving people who are trying to make a living. buying a blood diamond isn't illegal, and sure it looks great, but you caused a lot of pain and suffering when you bought that, didn't you?
07-07-13 18:25:21
nononsense4BEYONCE ::: Favorites
I don't wear diamonds.
07-07-14 02:33:25
trustreetbala ::: Favorites
PETA = People Eating Tasty Animals
07-07-17 18:07:27
Ligar250 ::: Favorites
well, a lot of people do, it's one of those things that the government doesn't care about but causes much pain and suffering. do you understand? the government doesn'tr enforce fur as a drug, but it should be! drugs don't kill as much as fur coats! I'm not saying it's ok to have drugs, but I think you get my point.
07-07-18 22:50:14
nononsense4BEYONCE ::: Favorites
Nope, don't get your point. Drugs kill people and effect countless others...period. Fur coats? That's between the animals and the people that wear them. Haven't had a fur trafficer rob me for his next fix. The act of killing an animal for its fur is one thing, drug abuse...something entirely different. Can't compare the two. Duh. Read a book.
07-07-19 06:31:42
Ligar250 ::: Favorites
I save people all the time, think how back at slave days, people who bought slave-made products support that, watch a dog in china get skinned alive, then tell me how you feel. and don't say "it's a dog! I don't wear dogs!" yes, The Today Show and Good Morning America both reported about dog fur getting sold in JCPenneys all across the nation labeled as "raccoon dog fur" and after the HSUS told everyone, JCPenney was told to black the "dog" out.
07-07-23 01:18:17
nononsense4BEYONCE ::: Favorites
What on EARTH does slavery have to do with animal fur? Try and make a distinction between human beings and animals...puhleeze. I'm so sick of people snotten and crying over an animal when we eat animals all damn day long. I'm eating a lamb chop right now and it's darn tasty too. So animals are good for eating not wearing? Really, what's the difference? Dog, cat or bear fur it's all the same to me. Are you implying that killing a dog is somehow worse?
07-07-24 21:21:19

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