Saturday, August 4, 2007

Top Ten Messages on Britney Spears' Answering Machine

Duration: 83 seconds
Upload Time: 07-02-23 16:45:22
User: CBS
:::: Favorites

Find out who's been calling to check in on Britney.

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illruckas645 ::: Favorites
LOL @ #7
07-02-25 17:15:17
Kriskronqui ::: Favorites
rofl, thats hella funny XD
07-02-25 17:15:43
NeuromancerLV ::: Favorites
Very funny. B.S. should be put to sleep.
07-02-25 17:37:05
pelletier1986 ::: Favorites
lol pretty funny
07-02-25 18:09:59
blackic3brighton ::: Favorites
ha ha! there's a seriously unwell celebrity! lets all poke fun of her and have total disregard for her family! go america!
07-02-25 20:09:31
rafaarias ::: Favorites
07-02-25 22:57:54
theone2225 ::: Favorites
lmao another classic Letterman show lol
07-02-25 23:29:53
atm222 ::: Favorites
Too funny!!
07-02-26 01:09:03
stonedog35 ::: Favorites
Too funny!
07-02-26 07:23:38
45worknit ::: Favorites
Funny, Funny, #7 and #4 are my favorites.
07-02-26 10:25:16

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