Friday, August 24, 2007

Dustin and JEssica Plot Against Donatos

Duration: 03:20 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-08 14:54:44
User: eyeluvhowie
:::: Favorites

Dustina nd JEssica agree to get out Eric but they plot to eliminate Daniele and Dick. Even so far as saying a double elimination week. They also hate the fact she says, this ones for NICK...ewww cant have 2 boyfriends

spikeian16 ::: Favorites
They are assholes and they need to get evicted. I can't wait when Dick,Danielle,Zach,and Jen evicted because the nerd herd can evict each other.
07-08-11 20:23:38
lostsoflaughs ::: Favorites
Everyone on big brother is evil, I guess its the game but it just brings out the ugliest qualities... just when I love someone I see something despictable about them later hahaha
07-08-10 00:50:57
chicklebird ::: Favorites
i'm so sad about this, i don't want eric to leave, and i can't stand dick and daniele, i'd rather live with kail and zach, and that's saying a lot
07-08-09 00:21:21
wunderfool1973 ::: Favorites
07-08-11 18:27:58
angelmlm ::: Favorites
I hate to say it...but they're making me like Danielle.
07-08-08 18:08:57

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