Friday, August 24, 2007

Re: Scottie Tails: My Date with Barney, the First Dog

Duration: 07:44 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-25 11:22:27
User: JohnnieTV
:::: Favorites

JohnnieTV Reply's

K0tag0d ::: Favorites
Your a fucking retard .... Get BENT!!
07-03-02 14:54:03
crazyt0p ::: Favorites
god.. i jus wasted 6.44 mins of my life =__=
07-03-02 10:10:33
Hillzilla ::: Favorites
From a Psychologist point of view.... -The last woman to touch you was one you paid for a lap dance, sadly, it turned out to be your mother -What the hell is a GENEE? -Chances are good you like to play with 'other men' -You Dont Need a myspace no one loves one... -Where can I get a refund on 6:44 of my life? God I hope you find your teeth
07-03-01 20:32:28
babymelissa123 ::: Favorites
ok u need no get out more
07-02-28 07:40:43
littlebaby39 ::: Favorites
I think you are a idoit . Or you are high, drunk or a really big dork or a retard in life . Maybe you NEED to stop farting too on your tubes. Oh yea I know why your dog like to go on ride!!! Because its a chance for him to take off . GET A LIFE DORK
07-02-27 20:28:32
1seamus1 ::: Favorites
is this guy serious? if he isn't i feel so, so sorry for him. he's not the most social person though is he? i don't think he lives for anything other than youtube and r-tarded videos.
07-02-26 15:52:16
Brutality169 ::: Favorites
What the Fnck?! o.0
07-02-24 16:34:41
triplecstyle ::: Favorites
its called scottie tails. cos its a scottish terrier. you hillbilly. and learn how to spell if your going to be holding up signs. good job dating yourself with the music. is your sister good in bed?
07-02-23 08:02:03
sparklepuppy ::: Favorites
He is a happy fellow...
07-02-22 13:53:42
afifanone ::: Favorites
duuuuuuuuude dont ever do that again
07-02-18 13:34:07
NubianButterfly ::: Favorites
Scottish terrier
07-02-11 19:41:31
anyisle88 ::: Favorites
A serious dork, why did I waste my time?
07-01-28 10:53:35
razelma ::: Favorites
a hot dog
07-01-25 12:50:09

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