Friday, August 24, 2007

Zebra Question

Duration: 00:40 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-17 19:19:48
User: TheRealParis
:::: Favorites

A piece from Shel Silverstein

OriginalMissTee ::: Favorites
aww lol
07-08-08 22:48:04
blackpimp4u ::: Favorites
You're SO BEAUTIFUL in this video! It's been loads of fun watching your various characters. But I love the real you best!
07-08-07 22:52:00
LostOrHidden ::: Favorites
Last night, while I dreamed, was I a man dreaming I was a butterfly? Or am I now, awake, a butterfly dreaming I'm a man? Rock on sister suess.
07-08-02 21:45:03
Steviesbiggestfan ::: Favorites
You're a crack whore.
07-07-31 08:37:07
sponkoo ::: Favorites
i love it! its like story time with Ms. Ryan!
07-07-27 16:09:34
yourfavoritehippiex3 ::: Favorites
i love that author!
07-07-26 21:08:16
Fuwuttevas ::: Favorites
07-07-21 17:13:59
hum07 ::: Favorites
beautiful lady
07-07-21 06:37:37
LeShapeShifter ::: Favorites
Hi, spam bot!! EVERYONE, THIS IS A SPAMMING ACCOUNT DESIGNED TO ADD TO STEVIE RYAN'S COMMENTS, by the way, Stevie, the CW needs all the help it can get.
07-07-19 06:44:15
LeShapeShifter ::: Favorites
You are a spamming prostitute
07-07-19 06:41:47
GabbeCls08 ::: Favorites
Stevie, dont listen to anyones trash mouths...u rock and they are just jealous... we love ur work, and hope the best for you... keep the awesomeness coming!!!
07-07-15 16:42:43
smwviking2010 ::: Favorites
you shut the fuck up, godless. go fuck a dick, ashole. i know mexicans who haev tons of money and are clean, fag. so you shut the fuck up and get youre shit straight you racist bitch cunt.
07-07-15 13:42:18
smwviking2010 ::: Favorites
you got me so pissed off!! god damn. just becaus some fucking mexicans are dirty or fucking poor, doesnt mean thay all are, god damn it.
07-07-15 13:44:00
smwviking2010 ::: Favorites
godless, your probably fucking white trash. i fucking hate you and hope you fucking burn in hell bitch!
07-07-15 13:45:32
godless66600 ::: Favorites
Im Mexican too. I just said ghetto Mexicans Cholas cant afford internet I didnt say all Mexican beacause Im a rich Mexican my self. Anyways littleloca is a fake white bitch that works for youtube.
07-07-15 19:46:58
petetreehugger ::: Favorites
thats so cool and artistic and i love the voice
07-07-15 07:34:06
mebananas ::: Favorites
Omg i love it!!! its so cute
07-07-14 13:47:39
Enigmastar64 ::: Favorites
oh thats so coolllllll!!!!
07-07-11 07:41:48
LassBritTV ::: Favorites
07-07-11 07:18:35
nycpunkrocker ::: Favorites
hehehe. funee
07-07-10 23:11:29

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