Friday, August 24, 2007

Re: Xbox 360 with HDMI Port

Duration: 06:20 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-06 19:35:12
User: JohnnieTV
:::: Favorites

JohnnieTV Reply's

DeathAfterLif3 ::: Favorites
What A God Dam Retard. Seriously WTF!
07-08-22 09:21:36
lorenti18 ::: Favorites
fuckin retard
07-08-19 15:44:17
Ix07I ::: Favorites
sick bastard
07-07-23 21:35:27
ollynath ::: Favorites
what a load of sHite
07-06-27 09:52:17
ejhizzl1 ::: Favorites
Dumb asshole
07-06-27 00:23:04
bluefire136 ::: Favorites
dude you have serios problems i think you should head to ur local clinic or mabey the hospital if this is serios
07-03-22 21:59:40
bonethugman ::: Favorites
that was a fuckin piece of shit.
07-03-21 19:54:26
Beaubritish ::: Favorites
What's with the kid posing at the beginning of this clip? Are you a fucking paedaphile or what... Fucking PERVERT.
07-03-19 23:45:12
Beaubritish ::: Favorites
Fucking Window Licker, spend any money you may have on some teeth you fucking redneck. No wonder no one likes Americans...
07-03-19 23:42:57
airbourneera ::: Favorites
your such a fucking retard i cant even understand you! fucking american redneck!!
07-03-18 17:44:16
kfh74 ::: Favorites
People talking about themselfes in third person is frigging scary.
07-03-16 21:12:39
randomize24 ::: Favorites
bro r u drunk?
07-03-14 23:03:06
FrICtiOnFiRE ::: Favorites
Go kill yourself.
07-03-12 17:12:05
thoughtudied999 ::: Favorites
wow...please, for christ's sake, dont post anymore videos you dumb redneck
07-03-11 14:29:11
thoughtudied999 ::: Favorites
i resent that. i'm american and trust me, not all americans are toothless rednecks. ignorant motherfucker
07-03-11 14:26:17
pusher1012000 ::: Favorites
fucking die already
07-02-27 14:58:57
Asennusopas ::: Favorites
WTF is this that guy is a fuckin arsehole
07-02-27 09:00:40
plaidninja ::: Favorites
What's ghei? Is that like ghee? Are you saying this guy is like clarified butter?
07-02-20 19:22:22
ScurvyJimBeam ::: Favorites
ghei... its the same as gay, just uber GAY! Get with the times dude. Ghei is the new gay.
07-02-21 03:43:34
lynchy2k6 ::: Favorites
wtf his mam must have droped him on his head lol hes bin smokin somet
07-02-20 16:50:40

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