Friday, August 24, 2007

Re: lily allen

Duration: 05:24 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-17 22:50:18
User: JohnnieTV
:::: Favorites

JohnnieTV reply's

razelma ::: Favorites
iya its beth thanks for the shout out it is very kind of u i will let u no how it goes
07-07-18 11:15:19
Nocholas4sale ::: Favorites
johnnie is a dick
07-07-18 07:58:08
daxlaxuk ::: Favorites
This guy really should have a segment on some chat show. I could see it now Johnnie giving his opinion on the topic of the day would rock! Personally I think you go overkill with all the women stuff (especially in this response), but hey it's just one guy's opinion. Keep up the good work of bringing quality entertainment to youtube. oh yeah...overlays are much better then cards!
07-07-18 03:15:54
FionaTheFox ::: Favorites
Hey Johnnie, why on Earth do you do this crap you call a Video Response? First of all, do you actually have a job? You are my dad's age and you do things like this? I am never setting foot in TN.
07-07-18 00:57:24
razelma ::: Favorites
Fiona don't you racognise unique talent when you see it? Johnnie TV has cult status here in the north of England...and we know comedy!
07-07-18 07:00:27
FionaTheFox ::: Favorites
I "racognise" that you made a typo. I also know that he does probably meet the comedic standards for England. Yes you guys do know comedy (especially hearing Scott Mills) but this man "JohnnieTV" has absolutely no talent. I think he is demented. HE IS 42 YEARS OLD!! Can't people actually get that through their head? This guy is a bum. I wish this guy would get a job for Christ's sake!
07-07-20 00:12:13
razelma ::: Favorites
Sweetness Johnnie has a full time jobby too! Multi talented...what a man!
07-07-20 05:38:16
FionaTheFox ::: Favorites
What is his job?
07-07-20 23:36:36
razelma ::: Favorites
Fiona dear i am not quite sure, but Johnnie was off work for ages with a broken lrg, now he's back and he mentions his co workers sometimes and his long shifts. Why don't you ask him in a pm and be sure to send him a nice video too. Its nice speaking to you again here on Johnnie TV!
07-07-21 03:45:37

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