Thursday, August 2, 2007

Kangaroo Massacre in Australia

Duration: 182 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-07 09:15:33
User: thatsAussies
:::: Favorites

WARNING! This video contains distressing and upsetting footage of animal abuse. 注意!この動画には非常に残酷な場面があります。 To protect whales, Australians insult the Japanese, and they are enjoying the kangaroo massacre for meat, fur, and pleasure. Racist Australian Beer Commercial Wool Australia's Secret Shame Australians are hypocrites. What they say is inconsistent with what they do. I am not a vegan, and I am not a hypocrite unlike them. I think humans have the right to kill animals. I do not hate Australians. But, I hate their arrogance, hypocrisy and white supremacy. What is cruelty? Who decides, and how, which cruelties are acceptable, and which not? Cruelty and the kitchen - BBC report BBC radio crew in Whale Museum, Nagato, Japan 長門市くじら資料館館長ブログ BBCラジオの取材編 Kangaroo-killing: Millions of kangaroos are shot for their skins every year in Australia, and orphaned babies and wounded adults are decapitated or hit sharply on the head to destroy their brains. When hunters kill a mother kangaroo with a baby in her pouch, the baby is often yanked from the mother's lifeless body and stomped to death or left to writhe in agony. オーストラリアでは毎年何百万頭ものカンガルーが、皮のために撃たれ、親のない赤ん坊と傷ついた成獣は、首を切られるか、頭部を叩き壊される。ハンターが袋の中の赤ん坊と共に母カンガルーを殺すと、赤ん坊は母親の死体から引っ張り出されて、死ぬまで踏みつけられるか、放置されてもだえて死ぬ。 ----------------------------------- 私は菜食主義者でないし、人が動物を殺して食べたり、皮などを利用することも許されるという考えなので、極端な動物愛護団体の主張には賛成していません。ただし、オーストラリア人が反捕鯨運動で並べ立てる奇麗事を我々に主張するなら、彼らはそれ相応の行動をとるべきだと思います。つまりカンガルーや牛、羊の虐待・虐殺もやめるべきです。でなければオーストラリア人は、単なる偽善者、異人種や異文化への差別主義者ということになります。

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wcb67 ::: Favorites
Look we all know that the Japanese are hypocrites and they are in NO position to start hurling abuse at others for killing animals etc. History clearly shows that Japan is a barbaric nation.
07-07-29 20:50:32
monkeyfire087 ::: Favorites
wow that was spiteful, because I am sure that Australia is completely innocent. They never murdered and enslaved natives at all. Also May I remind you that they were probably not born until after world war 2. Holding a whole nation responsable for the actions of a few is not somthing you should do it is very, well stupid, for lack of a better term.
07-07-29 20:50:52
milleeniusX ::: Favorites
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07-07-31 03:43:59
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07-07-31 03:44:13
antidogmatic ::: Favorites
Kangaroos are not an endangered species, They actually overpopulate Australia to the point of threatening the existance other species, which is why they are culled as a conservational measure. Whales are an entirely different story.
07-07-31 08:30:24
ShamefulDisplay ::: Favorites
*barf* But yeah. Not cool.
07-07-31 21:09:22
NavajoGuy5 ::: Favorites
Watch - Dolphin Massacre In Japan *The Japanese eat dolphins (endangered species) for sushi & sashimi. *They torture dolphins for slow & excruciatingly PAINFUL death (lasting up to 10 min.) because when the body is in pain, it releases adrenaline - it makes the meat more tasty. *They love to eat raw horse meat, so they torture millions of horses, too. (Many of the horses are stolen pets from Europe & US) Traditional Japanese method: more PAIN = more adrenaline = more TASTY
07-08-01 21:49:48
attentionslut201 ::: Favorites
this is awfull the sad this is that i ate kangroo. just started going veg agian and this time i am sticking to it
07-08-01 22:01:56
bluelight430 ::: Favorites
Then they should send the kangeroos to America! I would adopt a kangeroo!
07-08-01 22:12:04
rosegarden456 ::: Favorites
Post your pervert information somewhere else please! A lot of people that use the internet are NOT interested in CRAP!!! That's why we block our PC's. This goes to zakluchennii (whatever) too!!
07-08-02 00:38:46

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