Thursday, August 2, 2007

Tesla Coil Music - Featured on Hacked Gadgets

Duration: 56 seconds
Upload Time: 06-06-29 22:55:08
User: abbtech
:::: Favorites

Featured on Hacked Gadgets

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DanielNytro ::: Favorites
Holy shit! That´s amazing! This year at Trance Energy (Utrecht/NL) they used a tesla coil for visual effects on the "hard stage". Had a diameter of ca. 3,5m. Imagine, what sound that would have generated...
07-06-18 14:14:46
quepasamiputa ::: Favorites
shut the fuck up.
07-06-19 15:29:49
quepasamiputa ::: Favorites
who, me?
07-06-19 17:35:38
akira900gt ::: Favorites
nice video
07-06-19 21:24:06
juicylucywarfare ::: Favorites
@hyperkinetic Do you have some kind of build up grudge against everyone that improved something and got credit for it? I don't know about you, but Tesla isn't that familiar. At least not as much as Edison. Maybe he didn't invent a majority of the stuff said above, but he sure improved it to a level that it got usable.
07-06-20 14:03:05
juicylucywarfare ::: Favorites
Besides the only reason why his wireless electricity isn't used today, is because there is no way to control the use of it. And well. people just HAVE to pay for every breath they take, so this free and allways available electricity was a no go. Maybe his early version had a lot of energy-loss, but i'm sure if it got accepted, people found a way to improve it.
07-06-20 14:03:42
juicylucywarfare ::: Favorites
oh and please don't start all over with you plea about what's right and wrong, because you know what? i don't care what you think. I just know that Tesla did more than he got credit for.
07-06-20 14:03:57
ashproductions ::: Favorites
You know what would be cool? If people stopped posting all these back and forth sort of political arguments in places like this. I mean, when you think about it, it doesn't make any sense, and it makes the people on both side looks like just....the biggest selfish bitches ever. It's weird. What I actually wanted to say was: This totally owns. I wish I had one of those machines. Good for this guy! :-}
07-06-21 05:37:16
therealb3yond ::: Favorites
the worst thing about i-net is that every useless comment is viewed as an opinion , i wish there was a way too flush all comments.
07-06-21 08:11:04
msdnvp ::: Favorites
this reminds me of bill and ted party on dudez
07-06-21 16:53:08

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