Thursday, August 2, 2007

starsiege tribes happpy mod

Duration: 124 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-21 11:00:20
User: detpackman
:::: Favorites

"just say no to happy mod" ,happy mod is a game alteration that gives a unfair advantage ( and a obvious one to boot)this is a demonstration vid of the mod , i don't condone its use.

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ReconFox ::: Favorites
Also, one thing I noted is that the LIGHT, SCOUT class player we are looking through has 7 weapons a MORTAR. I only found one mod on another game that is in the same n00b league as this. Hats off to the wimp who made this mod.
07-06-26 16:29:41
detpackman ::: Favorites
yeah not exactly sure which mod that is . some mods are cool others are real lame .
07-06-26 23:20:57
Nubtastic ::: Favorites
Looks like some version of ultra ren. Anyways, nice vid. Never seen hmod in action, just had it described to me a bunch, lol. Buncha freaking pansies. Only good thing is that, in a 9-ish year old game, the best players are going to be able to smoke them little h@x0r wannabes with ease, even without the advantage.
07-07-02 10:58:16
detpackman ::: Favorites
very true.
07-07-02 11:42:23
mtrwsk ::: Favorites
where can I download this mod, it looks awesome! Can't find it in the google directory.
07-07-10 18:28:24
detpackman ::: Favorites
you can find it if you search "happymod" one word on google its still out there
07-07-11 19:56:43

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