Thursday, August 2, 2007

Oceanside Hotel (Vampire Bloodlines)

Duration: 553 seconds
Upload Time: 06-04-18 22:40:27
User: Demised
:::: Favorites

The Oceanside Hotel part of Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines

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SilverWerefox ::: Favorites
I beat this creepy haunting level with my courage.
07-07-06 01:28:04
dapirogy ::: Favorites
The game itself is kinda scary. The first reaction to this level was... Wheres the hotel, then i walk up to it and I was like... Oh crap. It wasn't really scary for me but I did crap myself a few times, i mean the letters on the wall GET OUT! is a classic. It'd be scarier if you could actually see the ghost like the girl in 'The Ring'
07-07-07 13:44:10
dapirogy ::: Favorites
Same, I mean when I saw the girl. I practically shit myself. Same with the knocks on the door and crap. Oh my fucking god man.
07-07-07 13:45:53
yupper99 ::: Favorites
This is the only game that ever gave me goose bumps. Sadly, everything from this stage sort of went down hill....but given that the game almost never saw the light of day thanks to's by far one of the best PC games I've ever played.
07-07-13 06:49:47
DeviousCherry ::: Favorites
This made me want to cry! its an awesome game tho!!! <3 it!
07-07-15 02:03:21
Mariomarinette ::: Favorites
this level was awesome!
07-07-16 22:47:46
MisssGlow ::: Favorites
I watched my friend play this stage through twice, and then I went to play it myself... and I had to get him to play. I only lasted until the "child's head in washing machine" thing before freaking out... o.o;
07-07-24 00:23:54
metalnecromancer ::: Favorites
Sad to say, this Hotel part scared me!
07-07-28 21:33:47
disgia ::: Favorites
The only game that can compare when it comes to scaring you is criminal origins for the xbox 360. Both of these games are under the radar hits and both made me cry at some point.
07-07-29 21:42:35
rrelvaz ::: Favorites
yeah totaly agree with you guys, this hotel gave me the creeps... like most of the game... the malkanvian mansion has also a scary athmosphere, as the mansion in kings way and the warrens... but thats what makes this game my fucking favorite! a shame there will be no sequel, since troyka has closed it's doors ;-(
07-07-31 14:04:23

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