Thursday, August 2, 2007

motorcycle mayhem.warning,contains nasty accidents!

Duration: 167 seconds
Upload Time: 06-12-18 18:08:31
User: leesawford
:::: Favorites

motor cycle madness.Crashes and smashes.Be warned,contains graphic images of motor bike accidents! by Arlo Guthrie.I should like to make it clear I didn't put this together im just passing a brilliant video on to the masses!

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vitranoc ::: Favorites
It is really cool Santa comes to save the day (25 sec into video)
07-05-27 23:07:21
Abeox ::: Favorites
The guy in the third crash.. how do you survive that... *shudders*
07-06-10 21:43:25
213casper ::: Favorites
A guy smashed his head on the post that was part of his head what they where picking up. I think thats what it said in another video
07-06-13 03:11:16
TroubleOnVinyl ::: Favorites
basically you don't
07-06-13 09:53:25
UntamedDragon ::: Favorites
... omg... :31
07-06-25 03:47:24
lynxeffect147 ::: Favorites
u need 2 get a grip posting this video how fucking shit
07-07-01 09:10:20
GeneralHerpes ::: Favorites
He didn't. He died.
07-07-04 23:43:32
leesawford ::: Favorites
dont watch it then dickhead.The brilliance of the net is the ability to (as an adult)watch whatever you want.You prefere
07-07-05 08:48:40
yes90125 ::: Favorites
0:31 where the hell was he going.Was he meant to grab the net while he was up there? Bad stunt that was waiting to go wrong!
07-07-12 14:59:53
lilchingobling ::: Favorites
whtas the name of that song?
07-07-22 00:19:16

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