Tuesday, August 7, 2007

2007/06/04 TVBS-NEWS - 力拼F4 飛輪海"東南西北"推台灣

Duration: 76 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-04 19:36:54
User: moonlightwings
:::: Favorites

﹝飛輪海拍寫真集報道和訪問﹞ - 飛輪海四人合體 裝酷搞笑讚台灣 - 東南西北取景 飛輪海嘆垃圾太多

maryflh ::: Favorites
ARRON BECOME EVEN EVEN MORE MORE SHUAI(man&cute) LA ! ! ! Chun so greedy hur , LOL! Squeeze so much Ice-cream . Find that Calvin also bian shuai le(:
07-06-19 09:55:53
jjkkvicfan ::: Favorites
I'm sooo happy!! I bought the photo album and it arrived on thursday!! i probably will upload the dvd on youtube... Arron is soooo cute!!!!!!
07-06-23 22:10:32
peachycal ::: Favorites
wowo they did seem to turn more shuai-er! they're so fun and *goggly eyes* so handsome/cute.
07-06-30 16:09:24
tennisgal709 ::: Favorites
arron is so cute, so is calvin
07-07-01 21:00:46
yanisawu ::: Favorites
yalun and the environment eeekk! so cute
07-07-18 11:23:18
anonymouse124 ::: Favorites
yea, it's weird. the title says something about f4.. maybe they're just saying that fei lun hai is like f4..? not sure..
07-07-21 11:16:52
luvarronyalun ::: Favorites
oh...it's because f4 is going to shoot a drama for taiwan to promote taiwan's tourism. then fahrenheit's pictorial book they also went to different parts of taiwan to shoot their photos. also a form of promoting taiwan. tt's y there is this kinda news to compare both groups
07-07-24 03:04:23
Tatiana19funnyface ::: Favorites
Yes please, and can you translate it?
07-07-25 15:45:11
jjkkvicfan ::: Favorites
Translate?! that's... a bit hard... but I might post a summary (I'm still trying to find a way to upload the vid...)
07-07-25 16:36:44
Tatiana19funnyface ::: Favorites
if u can, thank you!
07-08-06 13:39:28

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