Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Hillary Clinton on the blogs

Duration: 161 seconds
Upload Time: 06-10-06 19:26:32
User: Politicstv
:::: Favorites

Sen. Hillary Clinton talks about her views on blogs at the NDN conference in Washington, DC

birdman342 ::: Favorites
Yes blogs are great.. let me be the first to start. When Hillary was grilling Rumsfield about Iraq did she show him the proper respect that should be given to a man of his position and stature? Rumsfield was a pilot helping to provide the necessary military deterrent when Hillary was watching cartoons on saturday morning. The answer to this question is no and this is precisely why this cunt won't ever be president as long as the birdman has anything to say about it.
07-01-13 13:52:04
sincityscott ::: Favorites
Every point this birdman is making, in retrospect is obviously mistaken and misinformed. Rummy's been fired and is a footnote in yesterday's paper for being caught in another lie("proper respect")AND Hillary just announced her bid for the Presidency...go birdman go LOL
07-01-21 03:50:39
kitchenmachine ::: Favorites
she's really dry.
07-01-21 06:12:26
RoddyYoung ::: Favorites
Blog is the baby brother of youtube which is the big brother of the internet. The 2008 is being brought to the world by big brother. I love anybody singing and youtube is the kerioki of the future for winning votes.
07-03-01 05:39:22

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