Tuesday, August 7, 2007

TPMtv: Alaska Mucktacular!

Duration: 288 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-02 00:02:00
User: Veracifier
:::: Favorites

When you're a state with only 3 people in your entire congressional delegation and all 3 are involved in public corruption scandals, well... that probably merits an Alaska Mucktacular!

n1temairdr1fter ::: Favorites
blood sucking poli-ticks as usual...
07-08-02 03:39:31
minorwho ::: Favorites
Hey I think Homer Simpson had it right on the Simpsom movie...it will be nice if people knew how Lisa Murkosky got put in the senete in the fistplace her DAD now Exgovernor Frank Murkosky appointed her to the senete what a sham!!!! what I dont get is why people elected her after daddy had set her there-and I'm more than sure Senetor Ted Steven had A SAY on having Lisa in the Senete.......
07-08-02 03:45:27
steveo853853853 ::: Favorites
ron paul 2008
07-08-02 04:32:30
dleifyamjr ::: Favorites
One must search out real news reporting. We can not wait for the networks to feed anything real to us. Thank you Josh and Veracifier for doing just that.
07-08-02 10:28:03
HomoGeneIous ::: Favorites
WE THE PEOPLE, DEMAND IMPEACHMENT BACK on the TABLE, ANY TABLE, but "BRING IT ON" Impeach the God Dammed CRIMINALS!!! Impeach the God Dammed CRIMINALS!!! STOP FUNDING the IRAQ DISASTER!!! STOP FUNDING the IRAQ DISASTER!!! Enough with "Stay the Course"...enough with "New DIRECTION". Just STOP funding this nonsense and GOD DAMMIT, just DO IT!!! "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." - A Einstein
07-08-02 18:38:10
badboypass ::: Favorites
Gabriel did his job! Christ (the word) was ignored and Christianity became a perversion because no one listens to Christ's teachings at all! The Jews are the sons of Jacob who was a thief and deceiver! He stole Esau's birthright that was why God named him Israel, which means he who struggles with God! Jesus and King David were not Jews but Moabites! The time of Jacob's trouble is near as told by Isaiah..God will stir the Medes (Iran) who have no regard for silver or Gold! Isaiah 13:17
07-08-02 21:59:20
OgoTomO ::: Favorites
Go Josh. Keep the Alaska corruption story at the forefront.
07-08-02 23:28:59
knave2 ::: Favorites
Great job taking them down!
07-08-03 13:00:50
artofwar420 ::: Favorites
You guys do a great job, truth prevails!
07-08-03 13:59:42
l1392503 ::: Favorites
Nah, YOU harmed Alaska by this malicious attack on you, Senator.
07-08-03 14:48:52

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