Tuesday, August 7, 2007

OBAMA: Presidential Campaign Launch 2.10.07

Duration: 1232 seconds
Upload Time: 07-02-14 09:26:06
User: Politicstv
:::: Favorites

Producer David Grossman was there.

toastm4n ::: Favorites
Who knows what's true anymore...
07-02-15 06:31:18
truthyism ::: Favorites
Obama is true!
07-02-15 10:08:25
oolong2 ::: Favorites
I think I have obama fever...
07-02-15 18:05:26
madhobbit ::: Favorites
why is it, when i see him he reminded me of JFK. i hope he wins. i cant wait for the day when bush leaves the white house.
07-02-24 15:29:53
fluoridatedbrainsoup ::: Favorites
If he's for real, I mean, if Obama is an honest man - well then that's a very dangerous thing. Corruption runs deep. He will really need to be very careful flying - Google "senator wellstone" on youtube to see how charismatic this man was in his polit ads, speeches and arguments - Wellstone was "the conscience of the senate"
07-03-16 04:59:48
Jessica2288 ::: Favorites
you hear him speak then Bush, and you wonder, how the hell did Bush get in?? Then you remember, oh yeah, he cheated...
07-05-17 00:23:57

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