Tuesday, August 7, 2007

[VLG] Memoirs Of a Childhood Asshat

Duration: 545 seconds
Upload Time: 06-12-07 23:02:21
User: boh3m3
:::: Favorites

Thanks to google maps for the images and threadless.com for puking clowns.

dannysfilms ::: Favorites
You sound English here.
07-05-19 03:21:44
floralheist ::: Favorites
07-05-28 02:19:32
ImfreekinCRAZY3 ::: Favorites
ben i dont want to sound like an asshole but youre loosing youre edge. plese do more ask a spaz!
07-06-08 19:53:44
JoJoLeeLee1 ::: Favorites
Haha! Me and my friend found pot in her Neighbors backyard on Firday the 13th!!! I guess your not the only one who has weird shit happen to them like that... And there was a pair of underwear outside this Middle School. lol
07-06-17 19:54:35
citysnidget ::: Favorites
oh, i was a total shithead when i was younger, especially at ages 7 and 12. I live in NYC but I've never really SEEN any weird shit...there is this astroturph field that we go to for gym sometimes that constantly smells of pot, and of course there are condoms and shit every once and a while, but nothing really intense.
07-06-28 22:41:46
RetroRyder ::: Favorites
cocoa's where my parents grew up, interesting... not really interesting, but nice video.
07-07-13 03:27:27
ShamefulProductions ::: Favorites
I know what the problem is. If you wanna edit video taken with a digital still camera, you have to download something called Morgan Multimedia codec. We also had those little plant/fungus things in our yard, those things that shoot spores. I always wondered what they were called.
07-07-13 22:32:30
chasetpierson ::: Favorites
i too have back problwma like your friend. at 8 yrs i was diagnosed with scoliosis and had to wear a backbrace but i stopped wearing it when i was about 14 so i had spinal fusion surgery. now i have a giant scar [chicks dig scars? idk that's what everybody says] and two metal rods in my back.
07-07-19 06:23:08
chasetpierson ::: Favorites
problems* not problwma. and in retrospect i suppose i could have posted that in response to your scars video... i should maybe make a video about my my scoliosis... hmm... maybe not.
07-07-19 06:24:55
darwintaba ::: Favorites
"we're gna call it a testicle"...lmao!! dude u are friggin awesome!!
07-07-30 19:24:36

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