Tuesday, August 7, 2007

HILLARY CLINTON: MoveOn Virtual Town Hall - Full Video

Duration: 646 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-10 19:55:07
User: Politicstv
:::: Favorites

Hillary Clinton speaks during MoveOn.org Political Action's unprecedented Virtual Town Hall meeting on Iraq -- where seven presidential candidates answered questions from MoveOn's 3.2 million members. More video is available at www.MoveOn.org. HELP SPREAD THIS VIDEO -- help it climb the YouTube ratings by giving it 5 stars, making it a favorite, commenting, and forwarding to friends!

68Ca ::: Favorites
I agree we need to stop Hillary!!!!! I don't believe all dems are evil. We have as many evil republicans as we do dems. We need to get the independent party to be the main party which supports what the people want and need instead of Big Business!!!!! We need to write in Colin Powell for president.
07-06-10 19:48:29
68Ca ::: Favorites
All canidates running for office should have to take a lie detector test. Hopefully that would keep them more honest. And perform the deeds they promised in their speeches.
07-06-10 19:55:25
lt5lee ::: Favorites
Not really, taking Saddam out makes up for any support we gave him to keep Iran from successfully invading and controlling Iraq and all of it's oil too. Every non-sunni islamic governments would be buying turn-key nukes right now from North Korea & Russia. China might even sell them some for enough oil?
07-06-11 14:17:18
xyberfunk ::: Favorites
STOP THE SOCIALIST DEMS! Our Great Republic is at serious risk! The Democrats will only prolong and make worse an already "REAL" situation of terror and horror in the world. The struggle of Good vs. evil exists and our Countries NATIONAL SECURITY is at GREAT RISK! The clinton agenda is very dangerous to America as it is aligned with EVIL. VOTE AS OUR FOUR FATHERS! SAVE THE REPUBLIC!
07-06-11 21:25:36
awapahoe ::: Favorites
Hillary...the.. "housewifes are meaningless" candidate? The woman who IGNORED the most important violation one could ignore...an unfaithful spouse...for her own personal gain? I wonder what else she would ignore for personal gain? And if you think Vince Foster killed himself...you probably think OJ is innocent too...fucking liberal weenies! hahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaa
07-06-13 14:02:02
ELS777 ::: Favorites
Hillary have alot to prove still.....I still would like to know more about Afganistan. No one talks about that war. I would like to know more about USAMA. Does anyone care about him anymore or was he just a reason to blame!!
07-06-21 19:43:41
apollodionysus7 ::: Favorites
Lol, some of these comments are really amusing... psychiatrists and therapists, you have lots of work to do! And I suppose, spiritual healers.... somethin'! Hillary may be frightening in some ways to some people, but I suspect that this fear has something to do with her being a woman. Whatever the case, those of you who feel strong hatred or other unpleasant feelings...you should probably spend a little time quietly thinking about it..... with love... lol
07-06-28 00:34:22
westlv ::: Favorites
I donated again today to Ron Paul, LOOK AT MY PROFILE TO SEE WHY...spread the word, get involved and DONATE to Ron Paul, TODAY!!!
07-07-10 15:21:22
sssssed ::: Favorites
Maybe you are a little paranoid or confused.
07-07-15 22:02:26
emelinesoftballmomtg ::: Favorites
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07-08-03 02:55:39

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