Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Duration: 02:47 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-26 07:38:18
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PoffyTheCucumber ::: Favorites
Ironic that people who can't spell and have no clue on what grammar is can call other people "stupid." Only in Dumb America...
07-08-08 05:17:30
CSPANJUNKIEdotORG ::: Favorites
PEOPLE! HEAR ME! This is why you don't want to stop hate speech because IT WONT END it WILL just be driven underground and we wont know who the HATERS are. So these idiots need to speak freely & openly so we know who they really are. DON'T FORGET!
07-07-26 23:41:31
amazingstarbeam ::: Favorites
That was great...Bush paper shredding the constitution..wouldn't he just love to do that
07-07-26 23:10:55
CSPANJUNKIEdotORG ::: Favorites
I DON'T LIKE YOUR COMMENT! =MEXICAN= People like ALL other people cannot be summed up in a group statement. There's is something wrong with you. I will leave you comment as an example of what stupid people sound like (actually that makes stupid people look bad).
07-07-26 22:40:14
roscoetoon ::: Favorites
"What are trying to tell me? already said that..." Oh Bush, you old shoe! (LMAO)
07-07-26 19:41:41
JixMa ::: Favorites
I've seen many more of the GREAT political cartoons by Mark Fiore at his website: h t t p : // w w w .markfiore. c o m Check them out!
07-07-26 18:26:33
sinjinthule ::: Favorites
Fabulous! I laughed. I cried. It was better then "Cats." Oh, is Dubya a "Cats" fan. Let's just say it's almost as good as "Cats." I don't want the Secret Service busting down my door. Again. Hoo-Hah!
07-07-26 17:45:44
rojei ::: Favorites
I think merican people are num,sleeping,ad your congressman,senator.anybody in power and tell them that is enought...get back to the constitution,to many people aved died to créate it
07-07-26 11:03:28
nohealthcare62 ::: Favorites
Hitler has been reborn into BUSH and Cheney are his Henchmen ! POPE JOHN PAUL CALLED him The Antichrist years ago !And its recorded that The Pope said this was it 107 times ! He was a Saint ! SANTOS ! JESUS Is Madly In LOVE with each and everyone of you ! Beleieve it ! JESUS I TRUST IN YOU ! KUCINICH 2008**
07-07-26 10:05:35
CalJennings ::: Favorites
lol! I had a similar idea, but didn't know how to go about it. Great video! Support Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich! Love, Hope, Peace, & Christ Be With You, Cal-el
07-07-26 09:01:45
bizkin ::: Favorites
painful truth here, but you forgot chancellor dick 'everyone' commander in the chief.
07-07-26 07:52:31
HomoGeneIous ::: Favorites
WE THE PEOPLE, DEMAND IMPEACHMENT BACK on the TABLE, ANY TABLE, but "BRING IT ON" Impeach the God Dammed CRIMINALS!!! Impeach the God Dammed CRIMINALS!!! Impeach the God Dammed CRIMINALS!!! STOP FUNDING the IRAQ DISASTER!!! STOP FUNDING the IRAQ DISASTER!!! STOP FUNDING the IRAQ DISASTER!!! Enough with "Stay the Course"...enough with "New DIRECTION. Just STOP funding this nonsense and GOD DAMMIT, just DO IT!!!
07-07-26 07:50:06

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