Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Duration: 10:55 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-01 00:18:49
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intarwebzz ::: Favorites
nah, if we hanged everyone who was snookered, the stench of death would ruin our appetites forever.
07-09-04 02:31:41
Akyrumunios ::: Favorites
I think Snow left cause he sees some up in coming big pho-pha. And he doesn't want to lose all his credablity and attracivness for future jobs. Just a rat jumpin ship hoping that he is not to far out to sea.
07-09-02 06:23:48
annarboriter ::: Favorites
Once again I want to thank Tucker for his continuing absence. The program is never better than with Schuster as moderator.
07-09-02 06:16:20
Flirmy ::: Favorites
Everytime I read another Bush story I just weep for what might have been if we hadn't been robbed of our rightful President Gore.
07-09-02 00:31:15
soanso ::: Favorites
At the beginning, when he said Craig branded the family values party with the letter "H", he stumbled. I was almost sure he was going to say "homosexual" instead of "hypocrisy".
07-09-01 20:27:44
JiveDadson ::: Favorites
Contributing to the Democrats and voting for them obviously did no good whatsoever. We do not really have two parties. Rather than choosing between them, we must CHANGE THEM! Kick out everyone who voted for the war initially, and all those who have not worked to remove the US from the middle east immediately.
07-09-01 16:00:17
gateley ::: Favorites
I have to agree -- my frustration with "my fellow Americans" is enormous. Most people feel "there's nothing we can do about it" and therefore do nothing. And especially with this Administration, it seems that's true..., but still. We finally -- finally! -- spoke with our votes, but seem to be willing to let the Congress let us down on the promises they made. I just don't know what happened to our courage, backbone and committment to freedom.
07-09-01 13:49:12
LuminiferousAether ::: Favorites
How can anybody like or respect Tony Snow? He's the most condescending and pompous white house press secretary I've seen, and that's saying a lot by press secretary standards. It's too bad he's sick, but as a person Tony Snow is callous and slimy.
07-09-01 12:26:48
trudrewski ::: Favorites
Me too. Let's just hope W doesn't get too crazy and do something we all will suffer for.
07-09-01 09:39:10
trudrewski ::: Favorites
When was there a good week that was based on any kind of reality for W?
07-09-01 09:36:09

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